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Presentation of the results of the multi-stakeholder dialogues “Towards an employability agenda for youth in CDMX”



Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC
Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC


Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue was born in 2006 to contribute strategically to solving the great challenges in Mexico. We are a Civil Association made up of people of different nationalities and committed to promoting plural spaces for dialogue and the construction of agreements for the benefit of the public interest, specifically, of the Mexican population inside and outside national territory.


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Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC
Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC


Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue was born in 2006 to contribute strategically to solving the great challenges in Mexico. We are a Civil Association made up of people of different nationalities and committed to promoting plural spaces for dialogue and the construction of agreements for the benefit of the public interest, specifically, of the Mexican population inside and outside national territory.


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By Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue, AC

The meeting aimed to present the report on the results of the multi-stakeholder dialogues in 2022 and the working groups in 2023, the result of collective construction between transformative youth and various actors, such as civil society, international organizations, academic institutions, federal and local governments and companies. The participants and collaborators were thanked for making the congress possible, highlighting the importance of alliances and joint work.

Representative Maricela Zúñiga, representing Congress, thanked the collaboration and highlighted the importance of projects such as JuventusMx. Gratitude was expressed to key collaborators, highlighting the trust in collaborating on initiatives that generate changes in youth from various institutions and organizations.

The importance of the private sector's participation in the dialogues and collaboration with Mr. Roberto Ramos was highlighted. The differences between projects were highlighted, focusing on the elimination of the inequality gap and the well-being of youth. The private sector was urged to continue participating in the 2024-2030 agenda to promote public policies that benefit youth employability.

Professor Angélica Montes presented JuventusMx as an international cooperation project funded by the European Union, focused on the social and labor inclusion of vulnerable, discriminated, and mobile youth in Mexico City. Actions in training and dialogue were detailed, with an emphasis on collaboration with different sectors.

Elio Villaseñor, General Manager of JuventusMx, shared the vision of the project at the congress, highlighting the collaboration of various actors to offer decent work alternatives for young people. The importance of innovation by young people and the need to listen to their participation in order to formulate appropriate laws and policies was emphasized.

The collaboration between the public sector and other institutions was highlighted, mentioning the signing of agreements with the government of Mexico City. COPARMEX highlighted the proposal for legislation on youth entrepreneurship at the federal level and the importance of taking advantage of gaps to formulate new proposals.

STyFE reported on the reform of the law for youth in Mexico City, working on political participation and access to housing. The importance of working from the perspective of young people themselves and adapting social programs to be accessible to them was stressed.

Results of the multi-stakeholder dialogues “Towards an employability agenda for youth in CDMX”

Marco Lenin Ramírez, Training Coordinator at JuventusMx, proposed viewing the project in two contexts: before and after the pandemic. He highlighted the growth in employment in Mexico City and the importance of knowing the needs of the vulnerable group, adapting to changes in the labor market.

Azyadeth Adame, JuventusMx Dialogue Coordinator, explained that in 2022, 4 dialogue spaces were held, resulting in 50 proposals that were refined to 10 in three work areas. The importance of taking mechanisms and tools further to contribute to the well-being of youth was highlighted.

Jesús Ramírez, from Juventud Transformadora, highlighted the challenges faced by young people in obtaining decent work, advocating for them to be respected and recognized. The need to dignify the hours worked and to change approaches regarding the oversupply of qualified and unqualified people was stressed.

Roberto Ramos, Vice President of Business Development at COPARMEX, mentioned the importance of reviewing academic plans and generating alliances between companies and young people. He highlighted the challenge of balancing the changing needs of both sectors and considering the differences in sectors and digital gaps.

José Ramón Garrido, Coordinator of Young Community Builders, advocated for strengthening technical capacities in young people through alliances with institutions. Emphasis was placed on integrating and strengthening government programs to facilitate the technical development of young people.

Paulina Zepeda, STyFE, spoke about the social and solidarity economy, highlighting projects such as Barrio Adentro and Reconecta to raise awareness of the needs of young people. The need to support and develop cooperative association models was mentioned.

In summary, the JuventusMx project has made significant progress in the social and labour inclusion of young people through collaboration with various actors and the implementation of strategies focused on the changing needs of the labour market and of young people themselves.

It is a free and accessible digital platform that serves as an information and collaboration tool between youth and institutions for employability in CDMX

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