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CITIZEN DIALOGUES; The candidate and candidates for the Head of Government of the CDMX and the Thematic Agenda of the Coparmex-CDMX



Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC
Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC


Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue was born in 2006 to contribute strategically to solving the great challenges in Mexico. We are a Civil Association made up of people of different nationalities and committed to promoting plural spaces for dialogue and the construction of agreements for the benefit of the public interest, specifically, of the Mexican population inside and outside national territory.


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Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC
Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC


Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue was born in 2006 to contribute strategically to solving the great challenges in Mexico. We are a Civil Association made up of people of different nationalities and committed to promoting plural spaces for dialogue and the construction of agreements for the benefit of the public interest, specifically, of the Mexican population inside and outside national territory.


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Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue

Mexico City, April 10, 2013


By participating in the Citizen Dialogues event, organized by the Employers' Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex) in Mexico City, Clara Brugada, candidate for the head of Government of CDMX for the coalition “Let's Keep Making History” (MORENA-PT -PVEM); Santiago Taboada, candidate for the “Va economic development, promotion of employment and security in case of winning the elections on June 2.

The core proposals of the candidate's presentation are listed below:


  • A strategy to combat insecurity by strengthening the police with improvements to their working conditions and technology.
  • Implement the 360 Security Viewer security strategy, with which the country's capital is projected to be the most video-surveillance and to be supported by artificial intelligence.
  • Implement the necessary mechanisms to ensure “zero tolerance.” “There will be a great strategy against extortion, business robbery and passerby robbery. And together with the Prosecutor's Office, National Guard and Sedena, we are going to work together to identify and arrest the criminals who today threaten and extort the city."
  • Collaboration between the private and public sectors to generate conditions of well-being and economic development, with the aim of providing security to entrepreneurs interested in developing businesses in Mexico City.
  • The capital has the necessary conditions to continue growing economically and become a global benchmark for shared prosperity and sustainable development.
  • Create an Agency that promotes and guarantees national and international investment
  • Guarantee legal certainty for national and international investments that arrive in the City.
  • Continue administrative simplification with a one-stop shop to serve existing and new businesses, and another one-stop shop for real estate matters. He said that in Claudia Sheinbaum's government, 70% of local procedures were simplified.
  • A dynamic economy that manages to generate an economy with high added value, thus creating a stimulus for promotion and employment for young people; It will be a priority for companies to look at this sector of the population.
  • That jobs reach the most difficult areas in the city in order to reduce poverty levels, which means combining social policy with economic policy.
  • Job creation as a key strategy to combat poverty in the city; “The best social program is a job.”
  • Promote actions to identify and stop criminals who today threaten and extort the inhabitants of Mexico City.
  • Crime has decreased by 56% in the City, and in this achievement he considered Omar García Harfuch and Ernestina Godoy as the two great pillars, so that, during the government of Claudia Sheinbaum, the city improved both in rates and perception.
  • Build a thousand kilometers of safe roads in the city, more police patrols per quadrant, technology at the service of security, we will increase the salary and improve the benefits of police officers, build the police hospital to provide medical care to police elements and their families.


  • Support the economic growth of the country's capital.
  • Create a Development Bank for Mexico City, to finance infrastructure projects at the local level, without depending on Banobras.
  • If the country's capital were a country, it would be the 7th most important economy in Latin America.
  • Create an Investment Attraction and Promotion Agency in Mexico City that helps attract capital and provides support to new businesses, such as SMEs.
  • Ensure the permanence of businesses, as well as the implementation of the “Zero Closures” program.
  • Invest $300,000'000,000 for water infrastructure and for maintenance, repair and expansion of the collective transportation system, Metro.
  • Both the Metro and the Mexico City Water System have the necessary flow of resources to finance their own projects.
  • Private initiative is necessary to improve the economy and quality of life of the city's inhabitants; “Not understanding that private initiative is fundamental for development is not understanding anything.”
  • Promote the Law of Entrepreneurship.
  • Importance of education, entrepreneurship and both public and private investment.
  • It is necessary that employers who hire young people without experience are exempt from Payroll Tax.
  • An Entrepreneurship Advisory Council must be created to guide new entrepreneurs and prevent them from becoming victims of corruption.
  • Poverty will not be overcome with economic transfers and social programs. It is necessary to build a true welfare state that has 4 elements: universal quality health; quality education system, because Mexico City is not responsible for its primary and secondary education, it remains the responsibility of the federation; create a true care system, which is currently feminized and represents more than 20 points of GDP; Children's stays, day homes for seniors and long-term homes are needed; and create an insurance mechanism for complex moments in life, such as natural disasters, unemployment, an accident or disability.


  • Revitalize the business fabric of the City.
  • Boost the economy with the help of private initiative; “Not all projects can benefit from the public budget.”
  • Tax reduction for startups.
  • Simplification of administrative procedures.
  • Promote economic growth and generate employment in the capital.
  • Greater participation of private investments in infrastructure and productive projects
  • Disappear the Administrative Verification Institute of Mexico City (INVEA), which slows down the economic development of the capital and only serves to extort businessmen and merchants.
  • Promote the elimination of the Payroll Tax for newly created companies, at least during the first two years of existence. Objective: to generate a greater incentive to create jobs.
  • The government is not a job creator, but a facilitator and therefore the need to generate incentives, such as creating a business incubator to support entrepreneurship; “We are going to create one of the largest project incubators with young university students. The transition from a good idea to what could be a great project, that cost, we are going to finance from the government so that later they can start it themselves.”
  • Promote the creation of entrepreneurship hubs for young people; “They are going to have incubators; What we want is precisely to save them this step, in which a good idea becomes a good business, even if they have a good business, they can expand it (...) that is why we are going to create accelerators, business incubators" so that they become in viable projects”
  • A “zero-based budget”, which means that none of the budgets will be taken as a basis for planning public finances for the year in which we are working.
  • Childhood and education are something abandoned in the capital during the MORENA governments.
  • In mobility, concessioned public transport, which he considered should transition to electrification, to have a much more balanced environment.
  • Close collaboration with neighboring municipalities, with a metropolitan vision seeking to solve urban challenges in a comprehensive manner, as well as strengthening ties of cooperation between communities.

At the end of each of the candidates for the Head of Government, the president of Coparmex-Mexico City, Armando Zúñiga, presented the Coparmex Thematic Agenda.

“Many, many thanks to see, derived from the work that Coparmex Mexico City does, from our 26 commissions and representation in the 16 Mayor's Offices, we have 15 proposals that we consider crucial and of urgent attention and that we are going to send to you. With great pleasure, candidate and I mention them very quickly:

“1) water, 2) connectivity and infrastructure, 3) education, 4) employment, 5) youth and entrepreneurship, 6) artificial intelligence, 7) electronic government instruments, 8) environment and clean energy, 9) mobility and transportation , 10) nearshoring, 11) civil protection, 12) health, 13) security, 14) tourism and 15) housing.

“These points are aligned with the Agreement for a Mexico with Inclusive Development, a strategy championed by national Coparmex (…) with the objective of building the country we long for. And in our case, promote and strengthen Mexico City with urgent lines of action for the benefit of the capital's society and even future generations (...) We allow ourselves to deliver the strategies that we propose for the 15 themes that make up our Thematic Agenda, with the purpose that they also express the intention that we always have in maintaining a collaborative relationship and dialogue with those who represent public power. Thank you so much".

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