Las Juventudes son el presente
Are un colectivo dinámico de organizaciones y jóvenes que innovamos en intervenciones públicas para fomentar el liderazgo juvenil en temas de trabajo digno, mediante soluciones innovadoras que promueven la equidad y la justicia social.
Plataforma JuventudES es impulsada por Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue, asociación civil mexicana, en el marco de la Red Global Jóvenes Oportunidad (GOYN, por sus siglas en inglés) en la Ciudad de México.

Existen 2.35 millones of young opportunity en la CDMX:
Algunos datos importantes
MIL jóvenes
No estudian, no terminaron la prepa y no tienen trabajo
De ellos son MUJERES
Millones de jóvenes
Cuentan con un trabajo
Están en empleos precarios

Generación de conocimiento
Hacemos investigación y sistematizamos el conocimiento colectivo sobres los temas del trabajo digno para jóvenes en la CDMX y otros territorios.

Liderazgo e
incidencia juvenil
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Nuestros 4 ejes principales
Quod possimus mollit wisi repellat ad dolores itaque occaecati interdum, fusce urna! Quo, condimentum? Odit hic nostrud similique hic, eu, placerat, tristique, pariatur laboris, habitasse. Rhoncus sollicitudin amet laoreet minim ad volutpat.
Ediciones quincenales
- 10 February, 2025
- Erika M. Macedo
- 10 February, 2025
- Fernanda Monserrath Gutiérrez Zaragoza
Community News

- December 6, 2024
By Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue On November 8th at Cecati 171 Iztapalapa and November 13th at Conalep Ecatepec II, the Global Network of Young People…

- December 6, 2024
By Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue Held on November 19 and 20 at the Inter-American Conference on Social Security CISS in the Second Meeting…

- December 6, 2024
By Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue nbsp On November 5 and 6 at the Higher School of Economics, Graduate Studies Section and…
Youth in the world

- 10 February, 2025
By Ana M Sánchez Co-coordinator of the Comprehensive Care System District Secretariat for Social Integration Bogotá Colombia Historically invisible and undervalued, care has emerged as a fundamental element…

- 10 February, 2025
By By Dayron Escorcia YAG 8211 GOYN Youth Advisory Group Barranquilla Colombia Barranquilla, considered the golden gate of Colombia, has been a popular destination for young people over the years.

- December 7, 2024
By Tania Belén Gayosso Domínguez CDMX Youth Advisory Group Global Youth Network GOYN Opportunity Young people are the future of the world I have heard and read many…

- 10 February, 2025
- December 5, 2024
Institutional experiences

- 10 February, 2025
By Youth Services AC SERAJ Ecatepec de Morelos is one of the most populated municipalities in the State of Mexico with a population of 1,645,352…

- 10 February, 2025
By Dr. Jessica Espinoza Espinoza Member of UN Women Ecuador Gender is a critical perspective that analyzes the situation of men and women in the field…

- December 6, 2024
By Erika M Macedo and Silvana Carranza Independent consultants and activists In a fair race, the idea is that everyone starts from the same starting line. Without…

- October 17, 2024
By M en C Ivonne Cárdenas Guzmán DIE Cinvestav It would be advisable to consider young people as subjects of care in all aspects of their lives in their homes…


Statistical data and specialized publications on youth employability for decision making.
The diagnosis of opportunity youth as well as the compendium of proposals that we present in this document seeks to be a bridge of communication between opportunity youth and their...
The civil organization Mexico Chooses released the National Study of Public Opinion in Youth, a new project and measurement called Young Mexico. There is a lot of talk about the Millennial generation and…
Within the framework of the 20th anniversary of the integration of the Global Business Council, the initiative 20 ideas to transform Mexico, proposals and actions to transform and...
The Report highlights that the human rights challenges recorded in 2023 are a compass to understand what should be done differently in 2024. In the Chapter dedicated…
In the document Oxfam International assures that the world could have its first billionaire in dollars in less than a decade but to eradicate poverty more would be needed...
In the Youth Opportunity Report released by YouthBuild Mexico, the methodology and narrative were the product of a collaborative process of the organizations that participated in the Youth Alliance with…
In the August 2023 Edition, articles are published that analyze how bachelor's degree graduates face various challenges and opportunities when searching for employment...
The civil organization Citizen Action Against Poverty presented its report Going to the root of poverty diagnosis and proposals to eradicate poverty in which it exposes…
The main conclusion of the document points out that the Youth Building the Future Program during the pandemic has a significant and positive impact on the employability of young Lo...
Jóvenes agentes de cambio
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