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Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC
Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC


Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue was born in 2006 to contribute strategically to solving the great challenges in Mexico. We are a Civil Association made up of people of different nationalities and committed to promoting plural spaces for dialogue and the construction of agreements for the benefit of the public interest, specifically, of the Mexican population inside and outside national territory.


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Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC
Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC


Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue was born in 2006 to contribute strategically to solving the great challenges in Mexico. We are a Civil Association made up of people of different nationalities and committed to promoting plural spaces for dialogue and the construction of agreements for the benefit of the public interest, specifically, of the Mexican population inside and outside national territory.


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of Youth:

Iniciativa Ciudadana para la Promoción de la Cultura del Diálogo, A.C. y el Gobierno de la Ciudad de México, a través de la Coordinación General de Asesores y Asuntos Internacionales invitan a la presentación de los resultados de los diálogos multiactor “Towards an Agenda for Youth Employability”; en el marco del Proyecto Juventus Mx, mismo que tiene como objetivo contribuir a la inclusión sociolaboral de las y los jóvenes a través de estrategias de fortalecimiento institucional, capacitación, participación y articulación entre las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, el gobierno local y el sector privado.

El evento es realizado en coordinación con la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Congreso de la Ciudad de México, el viernes 24 de noviembre en Plaza de la Constitución No. 7, Col. Centro Histórico, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, (auditorio Benito Juárez) en un horario de 10:00 a 12:00 horas.

It is a free and accessible digital platform that serves as an information and collaboration tool between youth and institutions for employability in CDMX

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More posts from Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC: