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Institutional experiences


Por Servicios a la Juventud A C SERAJ Ecatepec de Morelos es uno de los municipios más poblados del Estado de México con un número de 1 645 352 de…

Inequality and Discrimination

Por la Dra Jessica Espinoza Espinoza Integrante de la ONU Mujer Ecuador La de género es una perspectiva crítica que analiza la situación de hombres y mujeres en el ámbito…


By Erika M Macedo and Silvana Carranza Independent consultants and activists In a fair race, the idea is that everyone starts from the same starting line. Without…

Employment and Economy

By M en C Ivonne Cárdenas Guzmán DIE Cinvestav It would be advisable to consider young people as subjects of care in all aspects of their lives in their homes…

Employment and Economy

By Paulina Gutiérrez Coordinator of Citizen Action Against Poverty 16.4 million young people 1.52% of people between 15 and 29 years old living in Mexico are…


The COVID-19 pandemic left a deep mark on education, significantly affecting the socio-emotional and socio-labor skills of young people. In light of this scenario, the JuventudES Project…

Employment and Economy

By Mtra Alejandra Flores Bautista General Director of the Work Training Institute of Mexico City ICAT Characteristics of the young population in CDMX The young population…


By Silvana Carranza Navarro Independent consultant and activist A little more than a month after the end of the largest electoral period in the history of our country, the City of…


Pablo Ulises Rodríguez Hernández Coordinator of the JuventudES Project of Fondazione AVSI nbsp The JuventudES project, an initiative of Fondazione AVSI and Junior Achievement México, has been co-financed by the Union…

Employment and Economy

By Mtra María de Ibarrola Researcher at the Department of Educational Research of the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute Youth building the future is a program…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Fernanda Torres Youth Services AC SERAJ After the elections in Mexico, Youth Services AC SERAJ has done an analysis of the information…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Pablo Ulises Rodríguez Hernández The term 8220 nini 8221 used in Mexico to describe young people who neither study nor work has been a prominent point in the discourse...

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Erika Estrada Ruiz Electoral Counselor of the IECM Civic culture is a set of values, behaviors and norms that guide the responsible participation of citizens in life...

Employment and Economy

Alan E Palomo Villegas Senate of the Republic nbsp Youth needs to believe themselves superior a priori Of course they are wrong but this is specifically the great right of youth...

Participation and Politics/Democracy

Ana Paula Ricalde Cortés Investment Directorate SocialNacional Monte de Piedad Surely you have ever heard the phrase in a movie Nobody said that saving the world was easy and…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Mtra Carolina del Ángel Cruz Electoral Counselor of the Electoral Institute of Mexico City nbsp This article has as its starting point the conception of civic education…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

Francisco Alvarado Karla Ambrosio and Emilia Ramirez JuventudES Platform Advocacy Committee Global Network Youth Opportunity in Mexico City GOYN CDMX nbsp On March 4, 2023…

Employment and Economy

By Diana Rosario Mireles Sánchez Pro Street Children Foundation The Pro Street Children Foundation has 30 years of care for children, adolescents and youth at risk…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Ileana Camacho Medrano Deputy Director of Liaison with Foreigners of Juventudes Tejiendo Lazos AC nbsp Leaving childhood and becoming a teenager is not always so…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Edwin Reyes Tuz Coordinator of Strengthening Alternatives and Capacities AC nbsp Youth represents a vital and dynamic force in the contemporary world with a population of…

Employment and Economy

By Caroline González Strategic Alliances Social ImpactConrad N Hilton Foundation nbsp The Conrad N Hilton Foundation is committed to involving young people in developing solutions that work…

Employment and Economy

By Pablo Yanes Rizo Former research coordinator of the Subregional Headquarters of ECLAC Mexico Few hesitate to recognize that the traditional mechanisms of…


By Lilian Urueta Cruz Director of GOYN Barranquilla nbsp Barranquilla, the main city in the Colombian Caribbean, is the new community of the GOYN network in Latin America GOYN is a…

Inequality and Discrimination

By Nilton Clécio da Silva Patrício Coordinator of the FTT São Paulo Brazil nbsp The Transforming Territories Fund operates under the acronym is a territorial strategy designed to collaboratively strengthen the…


By True Identity nbsp We are all looking for something new, we continually seek to find the path we should follow as young people, this is a challenge since that is where our strength...

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Alan E Palomo Villegas Advisor and Coordinator of Advisors to Senator Lucía Trasviña President of the Public Security Commission Public policies are the product of…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Paulina Cerdán Corona Executive Director of the Center for Civic Collaboration Civil Society is a key actor in the construction of a democratic and inclusive society that, among others...

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC nbsp The Workshop Course took place on December 14, 2023 in which…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

Brief introduction The course 8220 Advocacy for the employability of youth in Mexico 8221 was developed in collaboration between the Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue…

Culture and Recreation

This city is a great circus The circus is the damn neighborhood The language belongs to those who use it and the street belongs to those who work it Demonstration against the mayor in…


My name is María de Los Ángeles Leal López, legal representative of the Let's Do More for Others association and general coordinator of the San Juan Bautista Community Center. I work with…

Technology and Digitalization

The challenge of the employability of young people in Latin America affects all countries and according to studies it is not immune to pre-existing inequalities in society...

Employment and Economy

The term employability in the Mexican context is characterized by a complex panorama where there are substantive challenges such as unemployment, labor informality and underemployment, as well as...

Employment and Economy

The term employability in the Mexican context is characterized by a complex panorama where there are substantive challenges such as unemployment, labor informality and underemployment, as well as...

Inequality and Discrimination

The National Monte de Piedad IAP and Fundación Coppel renew their alliance to support 38 civil society organizations with the second edition of the co-investment that they have…

Employment and Economy

The EmprendeCon initiative was born with a series of Conferences, Conversations, Workshops, Mentoring and Dynamics designed to strengthen the business and socio-emotional profile of entrepreneurs. Having the opportunity to listen to…

Employment and Economy

Manada's objectives are governed by two main axes: The ReEvolution of Public Space and The Professionalization of the Entrepreneur and the transformation of their reality. In a first stage...

Inequality and Discrimination

Exploring the experience on the degree of discrimination between genders is a key element to consider the acceptance and recognition necessary for a relationship of full equality between young men...

Inequality and Discrimination

In the constant search for gender equality in the workplace, the role of young women emerges as an engine of change and transformation In the Confederation...

Employment and Economy

Es la Red is an initiative carried out by institutions since 2015 whose purpose is to generate a space for articulation of institutions dedicated to working with youth to strengthen the work…

Employment and Economy

Manada is the union of multiple independent projects in search of common goals, it is the meeting place for ideas and thoughts from points of view as diverse as...

Employment and Economy

I have a message here but I would like to point out, given what I heard before this participation, that the construction of the conditions for the participation of…

Employment and Economy

On August 12, International Youth Day was celebrated. However, in Mexico we can hardly consider it a holiday. First because as a society we have a view...

Inequality and Discrimination

The civil organization Citizen Action Against Poverty presented its report Going to the root of poverty, diagnosis and proposals to eradicate poverty, which exposes the causes…

Employment and Economy

In Mexico, a gap persists in access to employment and income for women. This has been documented by the International Labor Organization and by data…


In a constantly evolving world, education is the key to opening doors and creating a promising future. There is an important challenge: educational lag that affects young people...

It is a free and accessible digital platform that serves as an information and collaboration tool between youth and institutions for employability in CDMX

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