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youthful voices

Employment and Economy

Por Erika Martínez Macedo Consultora independiente y activista El cuidado es una parte esencial de la vida Desde preparar comida y acompañar a personas enfermas hasta apoyar emocionalmente a alguien…

Employment and Economy

Por Fernanda Monserrath Gutiérrez Zaragoza Grupo Asesor de Jóvenes GAJ GOYN CDMX En la Ciudad de México miles de jóvenes enfrentamos una realidad que nos coloca en una encrucijada entre…


Por Melanie Rubí Santos Sánchez Economista ESE IPN El trabajo de cuidado es indispensable para el sostenimiento de la vida y el bienestar social En la Ciudad de México recientemente…

Employment and Economy

By Fernanda Monserrath Gutiérrez Zaragoza GOYN CDMX Youth Advisory Group In Mexico City, a silent pillar supports the well-being of our communities: the caregivers. This group…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Mtra Mitzi Elizabeth Robles Rodríguez Program Officer at the Civic Collaboration Center One of the biggest social challenges facing Mexico has to do with…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Fernanda Monserrath Gutiérrez Zaragoza GOYN CDMX Youth Advisory Group In Mexico, and particularly in Mexico City, thousands of young people face a reality that deprives them of…

Technology and Digitalization

There is a lot of talk about gender equality these days, but the importance of women in the technological field is often overlooked. While it is true that many…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Andrea Fernanda Rivera Vidaña Youth Leaders Development Coordinator GOYN Mexico My name is Fernanda Rivera, I am 26 years old and I am passionate about Youth Rights…

Technology and Digitalization

By Tania Belen Gayosso Domínguez CDMX Youth Advisory Group Global Youth Network GOYN Opportunity Technology and its technological advances play a fundamental role in our…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Alexis Javier Esparza Reyes Legislative Advisor to the Diversity Commission Chamber of Deputies Less than a decade ago, the reality that young people experience in public spaces…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Daniela Cobián Navarro Member of the U Report committee and the Young People's Action Team of Generation Unlimited My name is Daniela Cobián Navarro, I am 16 years old…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Fernanda Monserrath Gutiérrez Zaragoza Youth Advisory Group at GOYN CDMX My name is Fernanda Monserrath Gutiérrez Zaragoza, I am 20 years old, I am a law student and a member of the Youth Advisory Group…


By Alan Eduardo Sánchez Lara Director of the Center for Innovation and Environmental Culture CICA nbsp Introduction On June 2, the largest elections in Mexico were held…

Culture and Recreation

By Hannia Yohali Zenteno CruzGOYN Youth Advisory Group CDMX nbsp My name is Hannia Yohali and I have been part of the GAJ for 3 months. My interest in the defense…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

Fernanda Monserrath Gutiérrez Zaragoza Youth Advisory Group GOYN CDMX nbsp Hello, my name is Fernanda Zaragoza. I am a law student and member of the Youth Advisory Group GAJ in…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By the GOYN CDMX Youth Advisory Group After the public presentation of the public policy agenda for employability, education linked to decent work and youth entrepreneurship…

Employment and Economy

Eduardo Guadarrama and Daniel Mondragón Mexicolectivo nbsp The youth labor market Youth in Mexico are in a situation of generalized vulnerability in the workplace. Nearly 30% of youth are in poverty, with 10% of youth being in poverty.

Culture and Recreation

By Karen Ávila Alcántara Jóvenes con Rumbo Movement Voices and Agents Why it is important to talk about emotions first I am not going to ask you the typical question of whether…


By Amizaday Hernández Three years after the approval of the Olimpia Law in Mexico, digital violence continues to be a significant problem affecting youth in various…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

Atena Rodríguez Youth Advisory Group GOYN CDMX My name is Atena Rodríguez, I am 24 years old and I am part of the Youth Advisory Group. I love creating collaborative networks…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

Jaqueline García Economic inclusion of young people opportunity GOYN CDMX I am Jaqueline García, I am 25 years old. I was a young person of opportunity until a couple of years ago. Then, thanks to the…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

Shlomi Eduardo Huerta Single father entrepreneur and member of the GOYN CDMX Youth Advisory Group My name is Eduardo Shomi, I am 25 years old. I have been an entrepreneur and businessman since I was 13 years old…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

Positioning Youth opportunity in the city our voice our work our impact Mexico City April 3, 2024 Today we meet to address a reality that we cannot…


By Angélica Hernández GOYN Youth Advisory Group Mexico City I am Angélica Hernández, I am 25 years old, I am from Mexico City and I am part of the Global Network…

Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Eduardo Shlomi Huerta GOYN Youth Advisory Group Mexico City On March 4, 2024, at the Human Rights Commission of Mexico City…

Employment and Economy

Nancy Ancieto GOYN Youth Advisory Group Mexico City In Latin America, as in many regions, there are structural barriers that are difficult to overcome due to the lack of means and tools…

Employment and Economy, Participation and Politics/Democracy

Atena Rodríguez GOYN Youth Advisory Group Mexico City On Monday, March 4, 2024, our Youth Opportunity meeting of our city took place…

Employment and Economy

By Jaqueline García Cordero Economic Inclusion of Youth Opportunity GOYN Mexico City My name is Jaqueline García, I am the Economic Inclusion Coordinator for the Global Youth Network…

Employment and Economy, Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Nancy Ancieto Global Youth Opportunity Network Advisory Group There is a phrase that I associate with youth advocacy If you want to go fast, walk alone if you want to go far…

Education, Participation and Politics/Democracy

By Gabriel Adalid Muñoz Coordinator of Development of Young Leaders at the Global Opportunity Youth Network CDMX Eight years ago when I began my journey to stand out…

Inequality and Discrimination, Education, Employment and Economy

My name is Dannae Hernández Reséndiz, I am 19 years old and I found out about the Young Community Builders AC program through my family and also because I live…

Inequality and Discrimination, Education

I am Vanessa and I am 25 years old. Before the Young Community Builders AC program, I was no longer studying and I didn't have a job. In fact, I felt…

Education, Employment and Economy

Star We have heard or said the word nini neither studies nor works when we want to refer to young people who face obstacles in accessing a quality education and…

Education, Employment and Economy

About this letter as a testimony to Manada for the commitment it has had in finding new ways to launch the venture through share proposals…

Education, Employment and Economy

Hello, my name is Angie Martínez, I am Colombian, I am 28 years old and I have been in Mexico for 5 years. Since 2019, I started my business during the pandemic. It is a business…

Inequality and Discrimination, Education, Employment and Economy

My name is Karina Briones González, I am 26 years old. I studied Psychology and Pedagogy. I have a visual disability that is in the condition of low vision and I currently work as a…

Education, Employment and Economy, Participation and Politics/Democracy

Collaboration and networking are fundamental pillars for success in various fields such as business, scientific, creative or social. This ability to collaborate effectively and take advantage of…

Inequality and Discrimination

Star We have heard or said the word nini neither studies nor works when we want to refer to young people who face obstacles in accessing a quality education and…

Education, Employment and Economy

For more than eighty years my family has survived thanks to the street and informality. My grandparents and my parents were ninis, what a violent word, not as if…


I am Moisés García, I am 21 years old, I live in beautiful Iztapalapa and I am a Joven Oportunidad. I finished high school this year at 21, but I was able to finish it thanks to…

It is a free and accessible digital platform that serves as an information and collaboration tool between youth and institutions for employability in CDMX

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