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Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC
Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC


Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue was born in 2006 to contribute strategically to solving the great challenges in Mexico. We are a Civil Association made up of people of different nationalities and committed to promoting plural spaces for dialogue and the construction of agreements for the benefit of the public interest, specifically, of the Mexican population inside and outside national territory.


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Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC
Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC


Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue was born in 2006 to contribute strategically to solving the great challenges in Mexico. We are a Civil Association made up of people of different nationalities and committed to promoting plural spaces for dialogue and the construction of agreements for the benefit of the public interest, specifically, of the Mexican population inside and outside national territory.


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of Youth:

Within the framework of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and as part of the activities of the 16 Days of Activism against Violence against Women and Girls, we have prepared the event “You are not alone Tlalpan”. 

The event will take place on November 25th at 11:00 a.m. on the Tlalpan City Hall Esplanade.

It is a free and accessible digital platform that serves as an information and collaboration tool between youth and institutions for employability in CDMX

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More posts from Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue AC: