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Youth and their power to build community


Daniela Cobian Navarro
Daniela Cobian Navarro


16-year-old Mexican activist committed to issues such as the climate crisis, education in Mexico, mental health and human rights. She is currently in her first year of multicultural high school at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Santa Fe campus (CDMХ). Since 2002, she has been a member of the U-Report Mexico Youth Committee. She was recently selected as part of the third cohort of the Young People's Action Team (YPAT) of Generation Unlimited, a global public-private-youth partnership with UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) and the ILO (International Labor Organization). Since the age of 13, she has stood out as actively participating as a spokesperson, activist, speaker, moderator and leader in various U-Report and UNICEF Mexico projects, both nationally and internationally. Passionate about classical ballet and the performing arts, she is a dedicated dancer with over 10 years of experience at the Boval Academy of Dance System, where she has obtained 6 classical and 2 professional certifications.


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Daniela Cobian Navarro
Daniela Cobian Navarro


16-year-old Mexican activist committed to issues such as the climate crisis, education in Mexico, mental health and human rights. She is currently in her first year of multicultural high school at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Santa Fe campus (CDMХ). Since 2002, she has been a member of the U-Report Mexico Youth Committee. She was recently selected as part of the third cohort of the Young People's Action Team (YPAT) of Generation Unlimited, a global public-private-youth partnership with UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) and the ILO (International Labor Organization). Since the age of 13, she has stood out as actively participating as a spokesperson, activist, speaker, moderator and leader in various U-Report and UNICEF Mexico projects, both nationally and internationally. Passionate about classical ballet and the performing arts, she is a dedicated dancer with over 10 years of experience at the Boval Academy of Dance System, where she has obtained 6 classical and 2 professional certifications.


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of Youth:

By Daniela Cobian Navarro

Member of the U-Report committee and

Generation Unlimited's Young People's Action Team

My name is Daniela Cobián Navarro, I am 16 years old, I was born in Mexico City and I am currently in my first semester of high school at the Tecnológico de Monterrey. For the third consecutive year, I am part of the U-Report Committee, created by UNICEF, and I am also a member of the third cohort of the Young People's Action Team (YPAT) of Generation Unlimited, a global initiative of UNICEF and the ILO (International Labor Organization).

Since the age of 13, I have been actively involved as a spokesperson, speaker, moderator and leader in various U-Report and UNICEF projects, both nationally and internationally.

Throughout my journey as an activist, I have had the privilege of being involved in various projects and events that have allowed me to understand the importance of youth contribution to the great challenges of our society. I have discovered that our voices, far from being just concerns, have the power to generate significant changes and actions, if they are given the right space and support.

On August 9, I had the honor of participating as a speaker in a forum held at the Chamber of Deputies in commemoration of International Youth Day, representing UNICEF. At this event, I participated alongside prominent speakers and representatives of organizations such as Ciudad KeVe, the Global Network of Young Politicians and Youth Building the Future Global (YBFG). The forum focused mainly on the analysis of the main challenges and issues, from the youth perspective, on the climate crisis, children's rights and their contribution to a better community.

As part of the program of this event, I took part in the discussion panel entitled “Young Voices for a Sustainable Future: Perspectives and Actions,” moderated by Eric from Ciudad KeVe.

Talented young people from UNICEF Mexico's U-Report Committee participated in this panel, which addressed topics such as public policies and youth, education and empowerment, children's rights and mental health.

During my speech, I focused on environmental sustainability and the essential role that youth play in climate action, highlighting the role of young people in mitigating climate change and conserving the environment and promoting initiatives that contribute to a more sustainable future.

I considered it important to focus on the Fridays for Future movement, not only because of its global impact, but because I have observed that even in my close circle of friends and family who are not formally involved in activism, this movement is widely known and valued. The popularity of Fridays for Future among young people from diverse cultures and backgrounds shows that environmental concerns can unite us and motivate us to act effectively and immediately.

In my view, it is clear that these environmental concerns have the power to unite us for a common goal, which is why I argued that it is vital to create spaces for young people to be heard and take on leadership roles. These spaces will not only provide a platform for youth voices to be heard, but will also foster the creation of fresh and relevant solutions. I also stressed the importance of investing in environmental education from an early age. I firmly believe that a solid education in environmental issues will give us the necessary tools to face future challenges in a more positive way.

Finally, I stressed the need to foster collaboration between governments, NGOs and the private sector. I am convinced that this idea is essential to develop and promote our innovative initiatives in such a way that the voices of young people are not only heard, but are converted into concrete actions.

Participating in this event and hearing the perspectives of young people on issues such as public policy, mental health, education, climate change and children's rights was an incredible experience. The opportunity to share ideas and opinions in such an important venue in our country as the Chamber of Deputies not only allowed me to express my concerns, but also to discover that young people can contribute to the creation of real and effective solutions.

It is essential that these forums continue to exist and that our voices continue to be heard. I ask that the doors to youth participation in these institutions never be closed; our perspective is valuable and necessary to build a better future.

I would like to thank Plataforma JuventudES for giving me the opportunity to share these reflections. This type of collaboration and support is essential to foster youth participation and strengthen our capacity to face the challenges that the future holds for us. 

Let's keep building, working together to achieve a positive and lasting impact on our society!


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