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Political and legislative influence of young people



Fernanda Montserrat Gutiérrez Zaragoza
Fernanda Montserrat Gutiérrez Zaragoza


Law student and member of the Youth Advisory Group at GOYN Mexico City. Founder of Jóvenes de la Periferia, a youth association dedicated to seeking and accompanying youth leaders. Participant in various roundtable discussions in the Senate of the Republic and in the Chamber of Deputies. Alternate local deputy in district 30, Coyoacán in the 2024 elections. Activist who fights for the rights of patients and caregivers.

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Fernanda Montserrat Gutiérrez Zaragoza
Fernanda Montserrat Gutiérrez Zaragoza


Law student and member of the Youth Advisory Group at GOYN Mexico City. Founder of Jóvenes de la Periferia, a youth association dedicated to seeking and accompanying youth leaders. Participant in various roundtable discussions in the Senate of the Republic and in the Chamber of Deputies. Alternate local deputy in district 30, Coyoacán in the 2024 elections. Activist who fights for the rights of patients and caregivers.

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By Fernanda Monserrath Gutierrez Zaragoza

Youth Advisory Group in GOYN-CDMX

My name is Fernanda Monserrath Gutiérrez Zaragoza, I am 20 years old, a law student and member of the Youth Advisory Group at GOYN Mexico City. I am the founder of Jóvenes de la Periferia, a youth association dedicated to seeking and accompanying youth leaders. I have participated in various roundtable discussions both in the Senate of the Mexican Republic and in the Chamber of Deputies. In the 2024 elections, I played a significant role as a substitute for local deputy in district 30, Coyoacán. In addition, I am a chilanga activist at heart who fights for the rights of patients and caregivers.

Reflection on the legislative impact of young people

In June and July, I had the opportunity to participate in the “Summer Legislative” course, a youth parliament designed to teach us how to be legislators. This course, created by legislative advisors, showed us the importance and relevance of the work behind the decisions of deputies and senators. The advisors, who prepare the initiatives and opinions that are discussed in the plenary, have a fundamental role and their work must be made visible and recognized.

During the course, I had the opportunity to occupy a seat and a chair, not only to take photos, but to act as a real legislator. It was an enriching experience that allowed me to understand firsthand the complexity and responsibility of being a legislator. I created a bill for caregivers, recognizing the importance of care for the physical and emotional well-being of people throughout their lives. Caregivers support Mexican homes on a daily basis and deserve to be recognized and protected by law.

The importance of the care system

One of the biggest revelations was the need for a robust and effective care system. I wanted to stress to the youth leaders the importance of legally recognizing caregivers, establishing a citizen committee and dialogue tables to create a true care system. As president of the Health Commission, I had the responsibility of ruling together with my team on around 20 initiatives and points of agreement. This process included a thorough evaluation of the viability and social impact of each proposal. Finally, we selected four of them to move forward, including my initiative. This achievement was not only personal, but a reflection of the collective work and unconditional support of my team.

Collaboration and youth ethics

I worked alongside young professionals with fantastic ethics, such as Miriam Sánchez, Fernando Zamora, Abraham Navarro, Uriel Zápien, Sophia Lavognet, Gregorio Mendoza, Ana Castañeda, Luis Luria and Viridiana Sánchez. Together, we managed to get my caregiver bill approved for the course. This achievement is not only mine, but of all the people who have taught and supported me along the way. Listening to people and understanding their needs is a fundamental part of my activism and participation in public policies. Each conversation, testimony and shared experience became a pillar for the formulation of more just and equitable policies.

The role of young people in politics

The “Legislative Summer” taught me that politics is not about colors or corruption, but about love for our people and our country. It showed me that there are young people with true professional ethics and a genuine passion for social change. It is crucial that we young people raise our voices and orient ourselves to be agents of change. We are not only the future, we are the present. Our participation in politics and positive activism is essential to promote peace, defend human rights and ensure that our voices are heard. We young people have the capacity and responsibility to transform our reality, to build a more just and equitable country.

A call to young politicians

We must act with awareness, credibility and inspire confidence. If we build our career on the pillars of knowing, loving and serving with empathy, the Mexican people will finally have the government they deserve. Politics needs our energy, our creativity and our commitment. We need to be the architects of our own present and future, promote peace, defend human rights and actively participate in the formulation of public policies. Every action counts, every voice matters.

Finally, I would like to leave a phrase that I take into consideration for us young politicians who are starting out on this path. Mainly, do not lose your bearings, remember where you come from and remember that the main thing here is the citizenry.

 “If young Mexican politicians build their careers on the pillars of knowing, loving and serving with empathy, the Mexican people will finally have the government they deserve”

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