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Live “Join the Movement of People with Disabilities”-CDMX

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Movement of People with Disabilities
Movement of People with Disabilities


Civil organization whose objective is to make people with disabilities visible through a large movement, to raise awareness and promote comprehensive and effective inclusion. It emerged in Mexico in 2021, it has presence and influence in the Latin American sphere.

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Movement of People with Disabilities
Movement of People with Disabilities


Civil organization whose objective is to make people with disabilities visible through a large movement, to raise awareness and promote comprehensive and effective inclusion. It emerged in Mexico in 2021, it has presence and influence in the Latin American sphere.

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He September, 17th took place on live “Join the Movement of People with Disabilities.” In their interventions, the speakers talked about the scope of the Movement of People with Disabilities, and their vision about how this group of the population should be part of the collective change. The objective was to make people with disabilities visible from their own perspective, to promote comprehensive and effective inclusion that allows their social recognition, appropriating this social movement.

In the voice of Martha García, co-founder of the Movement of People with Disabilities, this is a social movement that emerged in Mexico in 2021 that seeks the dignity of people with disabilities, who are fighting for recognition as people subject to rights and who can exercise them. on equal terms with the rest of the population.

They want to achieve the above by becoming visible, by expressing the voice of those with disabilities who truly seek to promote social change not only in Mexico, but in all countries.

One of the main objectives is to make people with disabilities visible and promote a comprehensive and effective inclusion that allows this social recognition and that as people with disabilities they take ownership of this social movement and with these actions commemorate in a unified way the International Day of People with Disabilities and develop a symbol of unity, which identifies them as people with disabilities, but also makes it known that they are not alone, that they are in a place where their families, support people, friends, allies and society are. civil society that also fights in this cause, so that they are recognized, through and from inclusion and respect.

All these activities that they have been carrying out, they have spread it by going out into the streets, having a presence on social networks and for greater visibility, supported by the media to reach more places, because this is not just talking about it among people with disability, they also seek to reach the entire society and make all those they want aware of the needs of people with disabilities.

In her participation, Amalia Gamio, vice president of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the United Nations (UN), said that there is a well-known saying that “Unity is strength”, which is still valid for this movement of people with disabilities, since they bring together people from many places, especially from Latin America. It is clear that unity is strength. I see Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, El Salvador, Bolivia, Ecuador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama.

He recalled that people with disabilities made possible the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in which, for the first time, these people were seated during all the years in which the Convention was drafted. Since the first meeting that was held in Mexico in 2002, since before the Committee was established ad hoc for the elaboration of this Convention, were central actors for its realization. There the motto of “Nothing about us without us” was coined and this movement clearly demonstrates that it is the force that generates change for people with disabilities. As Article 4 of the Convention points out, everything that has to do with people with disabilities must be prepared with the full participation of people with disabilities. 

In addition to monitoring the activities of that movement, he invited them not to feel the Committee as something distant, since the main reason for its members is precisely to listen to people with disabilities. They do this through shadow reports, which are the most important tool for preparing recommendations for each country.

He also mentioned that in Latin America there are other similar groups that are being organized. This is important, because as long as the legal capacity of people with disabilities is not recognized, it will be difficult for them to exercise their right to live independently and to be included in the community, in areas such as institutionalization, mental health and human rights.

This movement has started in Mexico and the country proposed creating the Convention. "So there we are also like the parents of the Convention and, on the other hand, I am very proud because I am Mexican and I have been an ally since the 80's, working for the rights of people with disabilities."

He highlighted the actions of the movement because they are creating awareness, because spreading everything that should be raising awareness towards the understanding of disability, not charity or welfare, is appealing to the awareness that you are citizens like any other, who have rights like others and that they have to be in equal circumstances with others; That's what the Convention was made for.

He highlighted that people with disabilities are involved in affirmative actions that allow them to access elected positions, because a deputy and/or senator with disabilities will understand much better what the rights of this population group are.

Finally, he urged them to continue. He recommended that they continue to inform and seek awareness; This is fundamental and what better awareness than seeing them take to the streets and continue looking for allies. Of course, the allies in the media, it is very important for its visualization, that they continue to disseminate the Convention, that they continue to train and inform themselves, because many times, by not having the information in hand, it cannot be claimed.

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