Joel Miranda


Joel Miranda brings 20 years of experience supporting and leading efforts to create economic and livelihood opportunities for Opportunity Youth, engaging them in creating and implementing youth-led and informed solutions and building community assets at the local level, initially with communities in the US and with global communities over the past 5 years. Prior to joining GOYN full-time, he led YouthBuild’s global youth leadership and graduate work for 10 years. He worked with youth from multiple geographies to create YouthBuild’s global youth voice strategy, which is now being implemented in 10 countries. He was one of the early architects of YouthBuild’s individual, group, and community leadership development competencies, which are now being implemented globally. Since GOYN’s inception, she has shared learnings from her years of experience and YouthBuild work with OY, to engage youth in shaping and launching GOYN’s Youth Voice Agenda, including ongoing technical assistance and capacity building for global and community partners and youth advisory groups.



Participatory Workshop: Perspective and proposals of young people for opportunities in the Comprehensive Care System