Dignify the living conditions of girls, boys and young people at risk or in street situations, through preventive and psycho-educational actions essential for the development of their cognitive, emotional and social skills, which allow them to choose and maintain a better option of life. life off the street. PRO NIÑOS is a national and international benchmark for the impact of its intervention model that, in alliance with various sectors, allows the creation of safe and dignified spaces where girls, boys and young people can exercise their rights. The objectives of PRO NIÑOS: Reduce the connections with the streets of Girls, Boys and Adolescents in Mexico City and the Metropolitan Area; reduce the number of people aged 17 years or younger living on the streets in Mexico City and the metropolitan area; strengthen independent living processes of young people aged 17 years or older who have lived on the street, in Social Assistance Centers or who are refugees in Mexico; generate useful knowledge for the training of specialists in child care in vulnerable situations.