He is a Sociologist, graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences of the UNAM. Founder and general director of DECA Equipo Pueblo from 1977 to 2006 and Founder and general director of Citizen Initiative for the Promotion of the Culture of Dialogue, AC from 2006 to date. He has been a consultant in various International Cooperation Agencies such as the Dutch NOVIB, of Development and Peace of Canada, in the French Catholic Committee and various United Nations Agencies: He was Delegate of the Government of the Federal District in Iztapalapa from December 1997 to March 1999 and part of the Advisory Council of various Universities, International Organizations and Federal Agencies and local in different parts of the Mexican Republic. He has published more than 100 articles on Civil Society and Non-Governmental Organizations in specialized national and foreign magazines. He is editor-in-chief of the monthly electronic magazine “Brújula Ciudadana”. He has participated in different processes of construction of citizenship construction projects, such as in law initiatives and approved laws on citizen participation, among which are: the law to reform the Organic Law of the Senate of the Republic 2006, the Law Initiative for the Reform of the State (2007), the law on the Rights, Protection and Support of Migrants and Their Families (September 2009. Morelia, Michoacán .), the Hospitality Law for Migrants and their families (August 2010.- Mexico)