Edwin Reyes


Edwin Reyes is Strengthening Coordinator at Alternatives and Capacities AC, where he leads key initiatives aimed at strengthening civil society and promoting the participation of diverse groups in favor of human rights. He has a solid academic background, with a Law Degree obtained from the Autonomous University of the State of Quintana Roo, complemented by an academic mobility stay at the National University of San Juan, Argentina. His constant search to expand his horizons has led him to participate in training programs in countries such as Denmark, England, Guatemala and Argentina, specializing in an approach based on human rights, intersectional perspectives, gender and youth. With more than a decade of experience in the organized civil society sector, Edwin has played a leading role in the promotion and defense of human rights, leading collaborative processes between the government, organizations and movements to advance human rights agendas. . Its commitment is reflected in the design and implementation of innovative social projects, based on participatory and popular education methodologies, which seek to promote social change from the base. He is a firm believer in the collective power to achieve great change and in the fight for equality.


Participatory Workshop: Perspective and proposals of young people for opportunities in the Comprehensive Care System