By GOYN, Pune India
GOYN Global Network aims to unlock the economic potential of opportunity youth in Pune. Working on the principle of collective impact, GOYN Pune facilitates a deeper level of ecosystem collaboration and coordinated action to transform livelihood opportunities for opportunity youth at the city level.
With Pune City Connect as the anchor partner, this programme is aimed at fulfilling the vision of access to decent, productive and sustainable livelihoods for all opportunity youth in Pune.
GOYN Pune has three “Paths” to achieve its goals:
1. Enable youth to aspire, prepare and achieve through the establishment of networks for career guidance, mentoring and community teams on the ground for good citizenship and appropriate educational and training options, throughout the city.
2. Bridging the gap between supply and demand related to job placement through active engagement across industry, skills matching and workforce retention.
3. Foster entrepreneurship by creating an entrepreneurship support ecosystem to catalyze mass entrepreneurship.
4. Connected ecosystem enabled by youth and citizen engagement to build relationships and mobilize youth opportunity, civil society organizations, government, other institutions, employers and citizen volunteers across the city to develop youth capacity towards sustainable livelihood.
To achieve this, our main actions are:
1. Young people as centres of change
· Mobilization campaigns are an ongoing activity to reach out to opportunity youth across communities, raise awareness about the various GOYN initiatives they can enroll in and benefit from, and the process for doing so.
· Within the framework of Participatory Action Research, young people organize themselves to investigate their own situation, reflect on their results and co-create the most appropriate interventions to address complex problems and achieve sustainable impact.
· 'We Inspire' is a mindset-transforming communication tool to instil the spirit of agency and aspiration in young people to empower them and drive positive social action through the medium of film.
2. To access the initiatives:
· WoW Centers: The World of Work (WoW) Center is a point for opportunity youth to begin their journey into the workforce. Its aim was to cultivate a career mindset and orientation in opportunity youth.
· YouthLine: is a helpline as the first port of call for young people in livelihoods, training, employment or entrepreneurship, as well as non-livelihood support such as mental health, documentation, etc.
· The Integrated Youth Development Platform is an end-to-end digital platform for entrepreneurship and employment support enabled by its 3 components: the OY e-katta (“Katta” is a Marathi word to describe a place where people gather and hang out), Community e-katta and Youth Journey Tracker.
3. Experience-driven design:
· Ongoing monitoring and evaluation, with a focus on action learning, enables evidence-based programming. Participatory action research, dashboards and analytics enable the synthesis of experiences as knowledge assets (videos, stories, M&E reports, workshops) for broader sharing.
Our goal is to transform the lives of at least 25,000 Opportunity Youth by 2030. Our achieved goals for 2021-2024 are 62,475 engaged Opportunity Youth participating in at least one activity, 26,552 Opportunity Youth enhanced by a substantial life change, and 10,355 Opportunity Youth transformed, meaning a lasting change in circumstances.
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The Future is Young
GOYN, Pune India
The Global Opportunity Youth Network, Pune is aimed at unlocking the economic potential for “opportunity youth” in Pune. Working on the principle of “Collective Impact”, GOYN Pune facilitates a deeper level of ecosystem collaboration and coordinated action to transform livelihood opportunities for Opportunity Youth at the city-level. With PCC as the Anchor Partner, this program is directed towards fulfilling the vision of access to dignified, productive, and sustainable livelihood for every Opportunity Youth in Pune.
Global Opportunity Youth Network, Pune has three “Pathways”
1. Enabling youth to aspire, prepare and achieve: establishment of Career Counseling, Mentorship networks and on-ground community teams for good citizenship and appropriate skilling and educational choices, across the city.
2. Bridging demand-supply gap: reduction of demand-supply gap related to job-placement through active engagement between industry, skill-matching and retention in the workforce.
3. Nurturing entrepreneurship: setting up of a supportive entrepreneurship ecosystem to catalyze mass entrepreneurship.
4. Connected ecosystem enabled by youth and citizen participation: building relationships with and mobilizing city-wide Opportunity Youth, NGO's, government, other institutions, employers and citizen volunteers to build youth capacity towards a sustainable livelihood.
To accomplish, our main enables are:
1. Opportunity Youth AS HUBS OF CHANGE
· Mobilization Campaigns will be an ongoing activity to reach OY across communities, create awareness on the various GOYN initiatives they can enroll into and benefit from, and the process to do this.
· Under Participatory Action Research, Opportunity Youth organize to investigate their own situation, reflect on its results and co-create the best fitting interventions to tackle complex problems and achieve sustainable impact.
· We Inspire is a mindset transformation communications tool to instill the spirit of agency & aspiration in Opportunity Youth & to drive positive social action through the medium of film.
· WoW Centers: The World of Work (WoW) Center is a point for Opportunity Youth to begin their journey in the sphere of work. It aimed at cultivating a career mindset and orientation in Opportunity Youth.
· YouthLine – The YouthLine is a livelihood helpline that is the first port of call for youth for livelihood support in training, jobs or entrepreneurship as well as non-livelihood support such as mental health, documentation etc.
· Integrated Youth Development Platform is a digital platform for end-end entrepreneurship & jobs supports enabled by its 3 components – the OY e-katta (“Katta” is a word in Marathi to describe a place where people meet and hangout), Community e -katta and Youth Journey Tracker.
· Ongoing M&E with a focus on action learning will enable evidence based programming. Participatory action research, dashboards / analytics will enable the synthesis of experiences as knowledge assets (videos, stories, M&E reports, workshops) for wider sharing.
Our Goal is to transform the lives of at least 25,000 Opportunity Youth by 2030. Our reached Goals for 2021-2024 are 62,475 Opportunity Youth engaged that participate in at least one activity, 26,552 Opportunity Youth improved in substantive change in life, and 10,355 Opportunity Youth transformed, meaning enduring change in circumstances.
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