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Empowering Youth: Creating Spaces for Leadership and Opportunity


Andrea Fernanda Rivera Vidaña
Andrea Fernanda Rivera Vidaña


Fernanda Rivera is an activist committed to working for youth and children, with a focus on gender equality and social justice. With studies in International Business, she has dedicated her career to working with youth both nationally and internationally. Currently, as the Youth Leadership Development Coordinator at GOYN CDMX, she leads initiatives to create meaningful opportunities for youth. She has participated in key UN events, such as the 66th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) and the Youth Forum of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) 2024, defending the causes that she is most passionate about.


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Andrea Fernanda Rivera Vidaña
Andrea Fernanda Rivera Vidaña


Fernanda Rivera is an activist committed to working for youth and children, with a focus on gender equality and social justice. With studies in International Business, she has dedicated her career to working with youth both nationally and internationally. Currently, as the Youth Leadership Development Coordinator at GOYN CDMX, she leads initiatives to create meaningful opportunities for youth. She has participated in key UN events, such as the 66th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) and the Youth Forum of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) 2024, defending the causes that she is most passionate about.


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of Youth:

By Andrea Fernanda Rivera Vidaña 

Coordinator of Young Leaders Development GOYN-Mexico

My name is Fernanda Rivera, I am 26 years old and I am passionate about Youth Rights, youth participation, and the empowerment of youth and children.

I have always been clear that if it were not for the support of leaders and people who believed in me during my teenage years and younger years, I would not be here today. That support and those mentors were fundamental in my path and taught me the importance of offering young people the opportunities and platforms they need. My personal experience has shown me that, with the right support, young people can achieve much more than they themselves believe possible.

I often hear critical comments about youth that reflect a certain skepticism, as if everything is handed to them on a silver platter and they are denied the opportunity to “make an effort.” Some people tend to dismiss the opportunities available to young people today, recalling their own struggles and minimizing the value of the resources that currently exist. However, for me, working with youth has been the perfect opportunity to create those spaces and platforms that I would have liked to have had during my younger years.

Currently, as the Youth Leadership Development Coordinator at the Global Opportunity Youth Network Mexico City (GOYN), I have the privilege of working on a multi-stakeholder initiative that seeks to generate systemic changes to improve social mobility and the quality of life of opportunity youth. At GOYN CDMX, we understand that developing young leaders not only involves providing training and resources, but also building an environment that allows them to influence decision-making and their communities in a meaningful way.

One of the main challenges we face is changing the narrative around youth. Often, stigma towards them is based on the idea that they are being given too much support without the proper effort. However, this perspective fails to recognize the unique challenges they face or the real value of the opportunities offered to them. Instead of dismissing these resources, we must focus on how these spaces can positively transform their lives and communities.

At GOYN, we work to offer young people spaces where they can grow as leaders. From workshops and mentoring programs to platforms to share their ideas and entrepreneurial projects, our goal is to create an environment where they feel valued and empowered to take on leadership roles. The key is to provide real opportunities, not just theoretical training, but also allowing them to apply what they have learned in practical situations. Involving them in decision-making and in the development of projects that directly impact their communities is essential.

Empowering youth is not just about giving them opportunities, but also about recognizing and empowering their ability to lead and make a difference. From my experience at GOYN, I have seen how the right support can make a huge difference in the lives of youth. When they have access to the right opportunities, they can overcome barriers and achieve goals that seemed unattainable.

I firmly believe in the transformative power of youth to positively impact their communities. But, even more, I believe in the profound impact that support and the creation of the right spaces can have on their lives. I have seen firsthand how a little confidence and the right tools can unlock amazing potential and change the course of many stories.

Real change begins when we invest in youth, not just as leaders of the future, but as agents of change in the present. Today, I call on all of us who work with youth — institutions, private sector companies, civil society organizations — to come together and strengthen youth leadership. Let us continue working together to provide those opportunities. Because in the end, when youth have the support they need, they can achieve incredible things and transform not only their lives, but also the lives of those around them.

It is a free and accessible digital platform that serves as an information and collaboration tool between youth and institutions for employability in CDMX

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