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Festive walk “step by step with youth”



Social Expression
Social Expression


Our association seeks to get society involved in cultural issues of interest, which allows us to recover values, traditions, beliefs, solidarity and the common good to achieve a transformation in our country. Our commitment is to remain steadfast in the actions that we know will provide positive results and changes. Create emotional links in society through culture that allows transforming its environment to develop economic, intellectual and moral growth.


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Social Expression
Social Expression


Our association seeks to get society involved in cultural issues of interest, which allows us to recover values, traditions, beliefs, solidarity and the common good to achieve a transformation in our country. Our commitment is to remain steadfast in the actions that we know will provide positive results and changes. Create emotional links in society through culture that allows transforming its environment to develop economic, intellectual and moral growth.


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of Youth:

By #EslaRed

On August 26, the first Walk for Youth took place in Mexico City, organized by #EslaRed, in collaboration with associations dedicated to working for youth. Some impressions of the event are listed below.

Paulina Sánchez / Social Expression for Comprehensive Treatment, AC

Hello. I am Paulina Sánchez. Well, we are very happy, the event was super cool. We came to this event and we managed to get several attendees to be the first of many events that we do for and by the youth, and that every day there are more institutions that join this project in favor of the youth. We hope to see you on future occasions and we are the Network.

Luis González, Vice President of Social Expression for Comprehensive Treatment

The truth is that this meeting was very cool. We are very happy that many associations were able to participate on this occasion and that many more can emerge from this activity. Thank you very much.

Un grupo de niños sentados en una mesaDescripción generada automáticamente con confianza media

Danae Domínguez, member of Young Community Builders

Hello, my name is Dánae Domínguez. The parade was really cool. Above all, it made the presence of young people in Mexico and Mexico City more visible.

Giovanna Villafuerte, educator of Young Community Builders

Hello, my name is Giovanna Villafuerte. Today we are holding a march for youth. But I think it is very important that we do this to make ourselves known because there are several associations that are making the problems that young people have very visible, such as the lack of decent employment, such as the sensitivity of education. So with this we make ourselves seen in a positive and striking way, so it is necessary to invite many more young people. Thank you very much and I hope to continue attending this type of event.

Zaira Rocío, School of Social Work at UNAM 

Hello, my name is Zaira Rocío. The truth is that my impression is that the event was very exciting. It was a lot of fun and a pleasant experience because of how to live with all the young people for a future and, in addition, promote environmental sustainability. It fills me with emotion, I really liked it and thank you very much for this commemorative event.

Brenda Méndez, School of Social Work, UNAM

My name is Brenda Méndez. I thought the goal of this activity to make youth more visible was very good.

Iztar García, from the Pan-American University Corporation

Hello, my name is Iztar García. Well, it was a great experience for me. I love working with young people and for young people. I hope it is not the first or the last. Thank you.

Esperanza Benítez, from the Pan-American University Corporation

Hello, my name is Esperanza Benítez. It was a very nice experience, because we are supporting young people who are the future of Mexico. We must continue supporting them.

Diana Villarreal, School of Social Work, UNAM

Hello, my name is Diana Villarreal. I feel that this project is very good for raising awareness among the general public and for them to finally support this proposal. Thank you very much.

Berenice Ferreira, School of Social Work, UNAM

My name is Berenice Ferreira. I think the march was amazing, especially because it calls on young people to take care of our surroundings. This is very important so that we can create a better world for everyone. Thank you.

Jacqueline Cabañas (Contreras Mayor's Office)

My name is Jacqueline Cabañas, I am representing the Magdalena Contreras Mayor's Office and I think the march is a good initiative for young people to make themselves heard and to let others know about our rights, which is what we are fighting for. Thank you very much.

It is a free and accessible digital platform that serves as an information and collaboration tool between youth and institutions for employability in CDMX

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