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Go to the root of poverty; diagnosis and proposals to eradicate poverty



Citizen Action Against Poverty
Citizen Action Against Poverty


Citizen Action Against Poverty: It is an initiative created in 2015 with the support of more than 60 Mexican civil society organizations, with the purpose of proactively influencing systemic changes against inequality and poverty. It promotes an open public policy approach based on evidence between the public, private and social sectors with the aim of addressing the most complex challenges facing Mexico, always seeking the empowerment of citizens.


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Citizen Action Against Poverty
Citizen Action Against Poverty


Citizen Action Against Poverty: It is an initiative created in 2015 with the support of more than 60 Mexican civil society organizations, with the purpose of proactively influencing systemic changes against inequality and poverty. It promotes an open public policy approach based on evidence between the public, private and social sectors with the aim of addressing the most complex challenges facing Mexico, always seeking the empowerment of citizens.


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The civil organization Citizen Action Against Poverty presented its report “Go to the root of poverty; diagnosis and proposals to eradicate poverty”, which exposes the structural causes that are at the root of poverty from the labor system.

It is stressed that the labour system produces poverty: low wages cause insufficient income to overcome the poverty line, "informal" jobs cause a lack of access to health and social security, and the labour exclusion of women and young people reduces household income.

In the section on the youth sector, it states that this group of the population (aged 15-29) has more than double the unemployment rate: 161% of that of adults (aged 30-64, with 71% of unemployment). They are only 271% of the employed population, but they contribute 481% of total unemployment.

Young people from lower-income households have between three and four times the educational gap: 39%, than young people from higher-income households: 11%, which becomes a barrier to their employability that adds to other disadvantages accumulated during their life cycle (poverty, social backwardness, violence). Young people with an educational gap are 88% of the total number of young people out of school and without work.

Young people who work are more likely to have access to precarious jobs. Almost two thirds of young people in employment do not receive sufficient wages and 6 out of 10 do not have social security (61%). There are currently 10.2 million young people working without sufficient wages and 9.6 million without social security.

Formal employment for young people has not grown, in fact it has decreased a little, despite the program Young People Building the Future reports that it has supported more than 2.7 million young people out of school and without work and that according to a study, 6 out of 10 young people who participate in the program find work.

In the section entitled “To overcome exclusion and discrimination: Integrated employability policy for young people”, proposes that an integrated policy to overcome youth employability barriers must articulate:

    • Strengthening the budget of technical and technological subsystems of upper secondary education (EMS) such as CECyT and Conalep, as well as improving their links with labour markets and the profiles required to fill vacancies in their environment.

    • Agile and transparent allocation of scholarships for low-income students, to promote permanence and progress until completing high school (EMS).

    • Creation of second chance options to complete EMS for young people with educational gaps whose age and contexts prevent them from returning to the formal school system, and which also include the development of socio-emotional skills for employability (the so-called “soft skills”) as well as technical training linked to job offers in their environment.

    • Reformulation of the program Young People Building the Future to: a) prioritize young people with educational gaps and other employability barriers; b) guarantee training in soft skills and technical training in accordance with available vacancies; c) facilitate the certification of the learning and skills developed; d) link graduates with the national employment system and job banks.

    • Create funds that support young people who decide to start businesses with investment, flexible loans, and training and business development programs. 

It is also essential to overcome discriminatory practices in the hiring processes of companies and employers, as well as the use of labels and prejudices that constitute stigmas that reinforce the barriers to employability for young opportunity. The economic inclusion of young opportunity It is essential for the country's economic growth, as well as for the reduction of poverty and inequality.

Fountain: https://frentealapobreza.mx/ir-a-la-raiz-de-la-pobreza/ 

It is a free and accessible digital platform that serves as an information and collaboration tool between youth and institutions for employability in CDMX

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