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Notice of Privacy

“INICIATIVA CIUDADANA PARA LA PROMOCIÓN DE LA CULTURA DEL DIÁLOGO, AC” hereby informs you of this Privacy Notice in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (LFPDPPP) and its Regulations, to inform you of the personal data we may obtain, its purposes, as well as the terms under which we will use it, seeking at all times to guarantee its confidentiality and protection in accordance with the physical, technical and administrative security measures we have put in place for this purpose.

Who is responsible for protecting the Personal Data collected?

“CITIZEN INITIATIVE FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE CULTURE OF DIALOGUE, AC”, is responsible for collecting and safeguarding personal data with address at Cerrada 2a de Tlapalli Mz 18 Lt 51, Col. Nuevo Renacimiento de Axalco, Tlalpan Municipality, CP 14408 Mexico City, Mexico.

For what purposes will we use your personal data?

  • Sending of the JuventudES Platform newsletter.
  • Dissemination of programs and campaigns linked to the activities of the Youth Advocacy Laboratory and the JuventudES Platform.
  • Generation of databases for internal statistics.
  • Social service and volunteer vacancies. 


Additionally, we will use your personal information for the following secondary purposes that are not necessary to serve you, but that allow us and facilitate us to provide you with better service:

  • Marketing or advertising.
  • Exhibition and dissemination of works on website and social networks.
  • Dissemination of case studies in press rooms.


How can you limit the use of your personal data for secondary purposes? 

In case you do not want your personal data to be used for the secondary purposes described in this Privacy Notice, we provide you with the following email address to express your refusal to use it: informes@iniciativaciudadana.org.mx

Changes to the Privacy Notice

Any changes that may be made to the Privacy Notice resulting from changes in the administration, operation and/or updates to the Law and Regulations that support it, will be notified to you through our
Web page.

Last updated: 11/17/2023.