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Empowerment of Young Women and the COPARMEX Inclusive Development Model



Leon Prior Hernandez
Leon Prior Hernandez


Vice President of Associations and Links Coparmex-CDMX Industrial engineer graduated from the Universidad Iberoamericana (1977-1981). He has a Diploma from UNAM in Environmental Audit (2005-2006). Specializes in Strategic Business Planning, Dashboard, Strategic Alignment, Execution Culture, Decision Making


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Leon Prior Hernandez
Leon Prior Hernandez


Vice President of Associations and Links Coparmex-CDMX Industrial engineer graduated from the Universidad Iberoamericana (1977-1981). He has a Diploma from UNAM in Environmental Audit (2005-2006). Specializes in Strategic Business Planning, Dashboard, Strategic Alignment, Execution Culture, Decision Making


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In the constant search for gender equality in the workplace, the role of young women emerges as an engine of change and transformation. At the Employers' Confederation of the Mexican Republic (COPARMEX) we recognize the importance of promoting equitable opportunities and addressing the challenges that young women face in the labor market.

Opportunities Opening Doors

Over the past decade, we have witnessed a significant shift in the way young women participate in the world of work. Higher education has become a powerful tool that allows them to access positions of greater responsibility and better remuneration. Young women have demonstrated their ability to excel in traditionally male-dominated fields, such as technology, science and engineering.

Coparmex promotes and celebrates these opportunities. We believe that a diverse workforce is essential for innovation and economic growth. Young women bring unique perspectives and creative approaches to business challenges.

Challenges and Barriers Persist

Despite progress, we cannot ignore the persistent challenges young women face in the labor market. The gender pay gap remains a reality in many sectors. Lack of representation in leadership positions is a concern that needs to be addressed urgently.

Motherhood and family responsibilities often fall disproportionately on women, making it difficult for them to advance professionally. COPARMEX advocates for policies that promote equal opportunity, such as shared parental leave and support for equitable parenting.

The COPARMEX Commitment

COPARMEX's focus on inclusive development is based on three fundamental pillars that apply specifically to the empowerment of young women in the labor market:

1. Education and Training: Coparmex recognizes that education and training are the basis of the economic empowerment of young women. We promote training and professional development programs that provide skills to compete in a constantly changing labor market. This includes training initiatives in leadership, technology and business skills.

2. Mentoring and Support Networks: We understand the importance of mentoring and support networks in the professional advancement of young women. Coparmex is proposing schemes that facilitate the creation of meaningful connections between young women and experienced business leaders. These relationships should not only offer guidance and support, but also open doors to career opportunities.

3. Inclusive Business Programs and Practices: COPARMEX promotes inclusive business policies and practices. This includes promoting work environments that support work-life balance, as well as eliminating gender pay gaps. We advocate for transparency in remuneration and promotion, guaranteeing equal opportunities for all people, regardless of gender.

COPARMEX Continuous Commitment

COPARMEX's commitment to the inclusive development of young women in the labor market is not static, but rather evolves with the needs of a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) environment. We seek to monitor and adapt programs so that they are effective and relevant.

The success of young women in the labor market not only benefits themselves, but also enriches companies and society as a whole. COPARMEX is firmly committed to playing an active role in promoting a more inclusive and equitable labor market, where all young women have the opportunity to achieve their full potential.


In an ever-changing world, diversity of perspectives and experiences is an invaluable asset. Promoting an inclusive labor market is not only an act of justice, but also a smart strategy for long-term business and economic success.Young women are ready to lead and transform the labor market. It is up to all of us, business leaders and citizens, to ensure they have the opportunities and support they deserve.

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